Sunday, 6 June 2010

FIFA World Cup English Activities

Llega ese momento, cada 4 años, en que todo el mundo anda medio loco y/o agitado: los alumnos que no hablan de otra cosa que de fútbol (al igual que los adultos, por supuesto) y las teachers que no saben qué inventar para enseñar o reciclar temas a través de este deporte, a ver si los chicos se interesan...

Y sí que se interesan si las actividades que ofrecemos son variadas, entretenidas, divertidas... y enseñan!

Les propongo visitar algunos sitios que ofrecen printables y lesson plans que cubren todos los niveles.

Suerte, que les sea leve y que gane el mejor! Y que todos aprendan!

Si quisiéramos empezar a organizarnos con cómo idear diferentes lesson plans a lo largo del campeonato, podríamos basarnos en esta página que, a pesar de que fue hecha para el campeonato 2006 y las actividades no están on line (no nos servirían), sí se encuentran ideas de qué actividades crear, las copio aquí:

Day One:

Activity 1: Introduction to the World Cup
Pupils find out the location of the 32 countries participating in the World Cup final.

Activity 2: World cup quiz
A quiz to stimulate interest in the countries which will be under the World Cup spotlight.

Activity 3: Country research (introduction)
Project work for the week. Groups of pupils do research on some of the lesser-known countries participating in the World Cup finals.

Day Two:

Activity 1: We play football
Pupils compare two photos of children playing football, one taken in (an African country) and one in the UK (or your own country). They discuss them, then learn about life in a shanty town in the suburbs of Nairobi.

Activity 2: A game of empowerment
Do competitive games help poor people with the problems they face?

Activity 3: Country research (part 2)
Continued project work about countries participating in the World Cup.

Day Three:

Activity 1: My ideal school playtime
A writing activity to help pupils think about their leisure time at school.

Activity 2: Recreation at school
What problems can occur during playtime at school? This thinking skills activity helps pupils to determine issues and identify possible solutions.

Activity 3: Presentation of country research
Pupils present posters displaying the results of their research.

Day Four:

Activity 1: From shopper to worker
Developing a concept map of the way sportswear gets from factories in the developing world to consumers in the richer countries.

Activity 2: Write to clothing companies
Pupils write letters to clothing companies asking how they know that workers producing their clothes are fairly treated.

Activity 3: Design a logo
An art activity in which pupils design a logo which would show that workers had worked reasonable hours.

Day 5:

Activity 1: Good competition, bad competition
Brainstorming the good and bad points about competition.

Activity 2: The great debate
A formal debate: ‘This house believes that competition should be banned'.
Adobe PDF file

Activity 3: Evaluation: what have we learned this week?
Assessing the week’s activities.

Para niveles intermedios y más altos, aquí hay una lista de diferentes actividades (vocab, fill in the gaps, etc) basadas en noticias reales.

English Soccer Boss in World Cup Scandal (17th May, 2010)

Baboons a 2010 Soccer World Cup Problem (5th May, 2010)

Visiten este sitio seguido porque constantemente están subiendo noticias con actividades.

Para los chiquititos, aquí encontrarán una lista de crafts.

Este quiz está muy interesante, pueden adaptarlo según el nivel e incluso hasta les va a ayudar a crear vuestras propias preguntas.

Este sitio tiene listening activities y su correspondiente handout.

Y por último, 5 printable activities con wordsearch, vocabulary, crosswords, etc.

Aprovecho este post para invitarlos a ver el post del año pasado sobre el Día del Padre.
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