Sunday 22 April 2007


Hoy en el suplemento Body & Soul del Times salió un artículo interesante sobre una forma divertida de quemar calorías y mantenerse en forma que es saltar a la cuerda.

Lo que más me gustó fue un aparte titulado Skipping Games, que son canciones que se cantan mientras se salta, como hacíamos en la escuela o en la plaza. Se acuerdan?

No estaría interesante enseñarlas?

Aquí les copio lo que apareció:

Skipping games

- In this game for a single skipper, the objective is to see how many times you can jump without missing:

Mother, mother, I am sick.
Call for the doctor quick, quick, quick.
Doctor, doctor, will I die?
Yes, my dear and so will I.
How many years will I live to be?

- The following games involve more than one player, with one of the skippers calling in the other players by name:

I love coffee, I love tea.
I want (name) to come in with me.

Two little dickie birds sittin’ on the wall
(the two players jump in)
One named Peter, one named Paul
(each player waves at their name)
Fly away, Peter, fly away, Paul
(the player exits the rope as name is called)
Don’t you come back ’til your birthday’s called
January, February . . . December
(player returns when the month is called)
Now fly away, fly away, fly away all

All in together girls
Never mind the weather girls
When I call your birthday
You must jump in
January, February, March,
April, May, June, July, August,
September, October
November, December
(Players jump in on their birthday)

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